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Content that builds real trust and power
Backstory app uses a proprietary algorithm to transform all of your sustainability, content, and quality and process data into values that align with the values of your end consumer.

We create a "farmers market" and "farm gate" experience for the end consumer, ensuring you remain relevant and front-of-mind, regardless of which distribution channels you use.
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Who uses it

Food Brands

Unique claims and product differentiation selling into complex multi channel marketplaces.

Better-for-the-world Product Brands

Companies that truly believe their pathway to growth is through better-for-the-world solutions and products.

Novelty Product Brands

Products making new and novel claims that are ahead of regulation that need the support of educational marketing.
Use cases
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Attribute stacking - Telling a complex story

As a truly sustainable and ethical brand, you are doing excellent work across all areas of your company. Consumers are so attention starved that it's hard to leverage this and get cut through enough to justify the efforts you put into your sustainability.

Learn how Backstory transforms data, story, and evidence into meaningful, trust building experiences with your end consumer in a way they can understand and digest, even in an attention starved world.
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Omni-channel Consumer - The message gets lost

Selling through retailers or distributors means sometimes the story gets lost. Ultimately you end up one of many similar looking solutions on a retailer's shelf. This compromises your ability to stand out and to continue to do and reward the good happening in your value chain.

Learn how Backstory helps to leapfrog directly to the end consumer, empowering their decision through a value algorithm that is personal to them The value algorithm allows consumers to see the things they care most about your product first and go on a journey to fall in love, and ultimately, buy your product wherever it is sold.
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Differentiation - What happens when the competitors catch up?

As a leading edge, innovative brand you are always paving the way and breaking new ground. You'll also wear the cost of creating new categories and new definitions of good and new claims.

Ultimately, your competition will want to copy you. How do you ensure you can distinguish your version of "fair trade" from the not-so-trusted version? How do you ensure you are showcasing the integrity of your operation when there are so many green claims in the market and the consumer is ultimately confused?

Learn how backstory helps you tell a complex sustainability story simply and succinctly to the end consumer in a way that gives truth and power to your brand, no matter who tries to copy or greenwash your claims.
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How it works
Join the movement
Be an integral part of transforming the Value Chain from linear to virtuous.

Become one of Backstory's founding members and get exclusive access to our design process and progress updates, road map reveals.
Prove your Backstory
Begin your journey with Backstory and start to capture evidence that makes your company and products unique. Start using Prove to capture story, data and evidence.
Organise your content
Backstory will organise your content and data according to consumer preferences and ensure historical data is stored correctly. You will be able to align all data, evidence, and story to a product, market and consumer preference.
Leverage community
Backstory will help empower your community to see how their sustainability, quality, nutrition, and social and spiritual values align to your brand. It will enable your community to truly vote with their dollar by seeing how their purchases align with their values.
Get insights in real time
Get real time consumer insights as your community uses the companion app to empower their purchases to inform and align with their values.
Find new value - Tell better stories, share back to the grower
With the data about your grower operations and Sustainable suppliers, combined with your consumer data, you are able to close the loop. Show farmers the good their products and efforts are doing and identify new value for the brand, the consumer, and the supplier.
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